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Linda Ikeji Biography & Net worth (Forbes)

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Linda Ikeji Biography & Net Worth 2018 (Forbes)

Linda Ikeji, popular celebrity blogger and ex-model. She comes from a poor background from Nkwerre, Imo State. Born on September 19,1980 into a family of six girls and one boy, she rose by sheer dint of hard work and persistence to become one of the most successful internet entrepreneur in Nigeria.

She started out her career as a model at the age of 18years. She developed flair for writing at 10 and obtained a degree in  English Language at the University of Lagos in 2004.

Things You Don’t Know About Linda Ikeji

  • Her total net worth is an estimated N3.2 Billion in naira
  • Linda Ikeji blog started in 2006 and is worth N5million monthly.
  • She is among the top 10 richest bloggers in Nigeria 2019.
  • She bought her mansion at Banana Island, Ikoyi in October 2015 worth 500million.
  • She has acquired three exotic cars Including a 2014 Evougue, 2014 Range Rover Sport worth 24m and an Infiniti FX 35 Worth 8 Million.
  • Linda spends her money on designer items and family vacations abroad.
  • Last year, she built two houses for her parents. One in Lagos (a five bedroom duplex) that costs about N100 million, in Surulere, Lagos.
  • The other was built in the village (Nkwerre),  a seven bedroom masterpiece that cost about N75 million.
  • Started mentor-ship programme tagged,’I’ll rather be self made’ for Nigerian girls in 2016.
  • Dated Dan Foster of Cool Fm in the past.
  • Linda Ikeji now has a son which she gave birth to in the US but no one knows the father of her child which is shrouded in secrecy.
  • Her husband isn’t known

Linda Ikeji Net Worth 2018 Forbes

Linda Ikeji net worth is rising daily as this entertainment blogger has gone far in her profession to reach this stage. Even Linda was so surprised to realize that her blog worth $1.2 million back in 2012, but I think she now knows better. While some believe that she worth so much, others think it’s just a sham, how could a mere blogger worth anything.
Well, the information you are about to read will settle all the arguments once and for all.

Linda Ikeji has cars and a mansion in Banana Island. You need Linda Ikeji Phone its 080266243…you know the

Here, I wouldn’t just mention figures, we are going to tell you exactly how we arrived at the figures so that your mind will be put to rest once and for all. Here we go!

First, we gathered much information about her acquisitions. She had spent about N50million collectively on cars both the ones for herself and the ones her family members, and another N300 million for two houses for her parents.

However, we didn’t base our calculations on these since majority of the properties were acquired as gifts to her family. Nevertheless, it gave us ideas as to her true worth.

For someone to acquire 5 cars and two houses within a year, that person must worth so much! Linda ikeji success story is inspiring though.

Linda Ikeji net worth is estimated at N3.2 billion in 2018 by Forbes.
